
The Virtual Buzz


eCourses For Resell

Image of eCourses For Resell

Looking to add more revenue to your business?
These courses are 100% digital, participants can learn at their own pace, in their spare time!
Each course is a full 5 day course, where you can email them a lesson each day for 5 days.
Great add on, great to use as a learning tool, great to offer to potential customers and clients.
Completely brandable, sent to you in Word format for easy editing.
Make your money, being an expert in the following niches:

* Small Business Start Up
* Starting In The Lash Industry
* Blogging 101
* Starting Your Consulting Business
* Kick Ass On Social Media
* Learning Hootsuite
* Dominate Facebook
* Starting Your Own Boutique
* Building A Bad Ass Brand

Charge what you want for your course, it's all about residual income baby!